Triphotonic Pharaoh Freeway

A Regressive Rock band from Old New Earth once confused with a thoroughfare to the Hidden Caves. Recordings of these musical enthropist where first, unwittingly if not innocently, introduced to Vanth society by the Vulkin explorer S'morz during his expedition to discover the Hidden Caves. Those who have researched the research of Explorer S'morz, myself included, often bring in question the mental health of S'morz, a well meaning if not, at least, slightly confused fellow scientist. Mr. S'morz theory that a musical recording from Old New Earth should contain the secret to discovering anything on Vanth, much less the highly elusive Hidden Caves, is Exhibit A when questioning his mental stability.


-- Prof. S. Kalthof, G.C.C.C. Depts. of Social and Biological Science --

Again, the research of Prester Piltdown should be credited for initially recording the work of Explorer S'morz, and his association with this musical recording.