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St Ecstasia

Page history last edited by Guy Hoyle 13 years, 8 months ago

Patron saint of Wayward Virgins. Once a common doxy of unremarkable talents, Ecstasia received an epiphany from an unknown god, who was temporarily incarnated in the form of a potted-meat seller in the city of Blackhawk. A wayward virgin herself, St. Ecstasia (as she was thereafter known) realized that Virginity Is A State Of Mind, and began a school to teach this Sacred Truth to all comers. After she was accidentally martyred during a fertility rite, in which she personally ministered to thousands of followers, she began to perform miracles such as the Restoration of Virginity, which has since become a hallmark of her School. Witnesses of all genders and orientations flock to her temple to witness this miracle for themselves, contributing to the wealth of this renowned Blackhawk institution.


The current High Priestess of her cult, and Headmistrix of the School for Wayward Virgins. is Sister Anathema the Unorthodoxy.

Comments (2)

Guy Hoyle said

at 5:38 pm on Jan 27, 2011

Pere Ubu said

at 9:37 am on Dec 25, 2011

"during a fertility rite, in which she personally ministered to thousands of followers"

I think I saw that vid-archive for sale in a shop in Blackhawk City.
-- Pavlar Remeron, free-lance journalist and NOT Lobby Lud and I don't owe you any five quatloos, so go away.

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