This enigmatic being has been called many things: the greatest scholar in Vanth history, the worst dancer in the City of Blackhawk, the last true Child of the Iron Tesseract. Some people even call him Maurice. And while his scholarly work is unquestionably unorthodox (his attempt to ascertain the order of precendence of the Five Deadliest Things in the Galaxy still leaves sages baffled as to how he actually tasted an Astrowraith), none doubt his results. His sanity perhaps, but not his results.
The great tragedy of Vox's life is that he previously served as an effective but uninspired professor of transtemporal metaphysics prior to contracting Psiphilis during a research expedition to the Shunned Towns. As the malady ravaged his pituitary gland his writings became more erratic but also more brilliant. Losing his prestigious teaching position during a particularly bad flair-up of his disease, he was quietly hired by the Great Library of Morgandorgan to coordinate the 13 conflicting cataloging and shelving systems used by that august institution. It is sad that only a madman could accomplish such a feat.
Rumors abound that Effluvius Vox secretly plans a second expedition to the Shunned Towns.
Comments (3)
Guy Hoyle said
at 1:15 am on Aug 26, 2009
Pompous spawn of a droidmonger's wife.
Chris Creel said
at 6:14 pm on Sep 16, 2009
Some call him Maurice? He never once suggested that I call him Maurice and we were once colloquies at the God City Community College!?
--Prof. S. Kalthof
Guy Hoyle said
at 8:47 am on Oct 17, 2009
Some call me the Pompatus of Love. -- EV
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