Many robust disputations between scholars and sages over the details of the life of Denser the Undermage can be traced back to the conflicting accounts of his life and travels. Fraglarr the Exploding Sage's narrowly-averted annihilation of the Institute for Deific, Immortalistic, Omniscientific and Theological Studies can be attributed to a heated argument with several professors over the educational background of Denser the Undermage. Did he tutor Nerdenkainen or was Nerdenkainen the master? Further questions of great interest are debated to this day. Did he build the Wizard's Tower at Castle Noth or was he the one responsible for its ruination? Did he impregnate the Grand Hermaphrodite of the Hobling Emperor's court or was Denser himself knocked up by that mysterious imperial servant?
The answer to all these questions is, of course, "Yes". What the ill-informed scholars of previous generations did not realize is that Denser was the foremost of the Paradox People to visit Vanth. He also stood as the least of his folk to never visit Vanth. Thus he could easily serve as Vizier in the court of the Ape Sultan Oop'Oop'Aru while half a world away he was being dissected for instructional purposes at the medical school of God City University. Thus also his great public miracle of running away from his own legs is easily explained, though why his legs were angry at him in the first place remains a mystery.
--Jenrad the Least
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