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City of Bloodhaven

Page history last edited by Max Davenport 15 years, 1 month ago

Youngest by far of the great cities of Vanth, Bloodhaven was originally no more than a fortified sea cave used by the privateers, pirates and smugglers who rove the Sea of Great Peril.  The pirate queen Nelly Blood, popularly known as Little Orrf'n Nelly, took control of the sea caves sometime during the War of Fthagn.  In her later years she retired from the captain's seat to helm the development of Blood's Haven into a thriving trading port.


The city has become the nexus for trade across the south of Known Vanth, where every exotic and mundane thing can be had for a price -- usually a steep one.  "If you can't find it in Bloodhaven it's waiting for you in Hell" many say, while others caution that "a bargain in Bloodhaven will cost you double."  Independent sea-merchants and caravaneers travel from as far as the Isle of Blacksteel and the Spineywood to trade in the city's open air markets and catalog showrooms.  In early spring the city is visited by Limb Traders in the thousands, with an army of arm-and-leg men camped outside the city walls.  Once every few years a Funfair Nomad sky carnival moors to the cliffs, its roller coasters, tilt-a-whirls, shooting galleries and a bustling souq hovering on carpets a thousand feet above the sea.


Members of the Bloodhaven Merchant Navy have brokered deals with the Sulduku Hierophants, Blackhawk and the City of Thunders to the North, and with the Ape Sultans and the Zombies to the East.  They are welcome in the Amazon and Wooky Freeholds, and operate a duty-free shop on a floating island stationed off the coast of Dino Island.  In recent years they have financed expeditions to the Cannaboid Jungles and other lands of the Unmapped South.  The Merchant Navy is rumored to have vast reserves of treasure secreted in the Hidden Caves, stockpiled in case there should there ever arise a need for them to wage economic warfare on the Steel Warlords or other foes.  They can be spotted in cities throughout the land, easily recognized by their red wigs and crystalline white eye cusps, worn in honor of Bloodhaven's founding mother.


Omnicron Gamma v. 3.0

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